More, the woman is told that her personal meaning
is experienced only as she submits and subordinates herself
to her man.
No human experience has prepared anyone
for this revelation!
It would seem that the Rib story has said enough to justify its
followers believing in male superiority, dominion and dominance.
Yet, there is more. When the male and female appear
to have a moment of intimate awareness, where they
discern Good and Evil, instead of being blessed they are shamed by
their Father god. They must cover their nakedness—a
practical and symbolic act of covering their genitals.
It appears that they have shared an intimate
moment—possibly sexual—and this
enrages the Father god who, for some yet undisclosed reason,
does not want them to
be intimate. He
rages at his children,
curses them both, and
cast them out of the Garden. They are now
They are merely temporarily existing
on Earth—their true home is off-Earth, back
in the paradisical Garden of Eden.