Since all three Warrior's Quest Big Stories cast
light on why Earthfolk envision living
peacefully and comfortably at-home on the Living Earth, it is important
to discern how the other two Big Stories of Scientism and Secularism evolved from
the Abrahamic and to identify their shared themes before further
exploring Earthfolk's visions and rituals.
As sojourning aliens, Earthfolk's examination focuses
on four shared themes.That a Big Story
1) is sourced in an emotion of
dreadful fear,
2) identifies and names the Other as
Intimate Enemy,
3) seeks to annihilate the goddess and/or the feminine and
4) expresses its heartfelt values through a self-fulfilling apocalyptic story
of self-annihilation.
Continue—Big Story: Scientism—Pathway
A—Table of Contents