Amazingly, the Warrior's Quest
moved us Earthfolk to further describe their
spirituality as a practice of sensual preciousness.
Because what the Warrior's Quest is grounded in is a story
that says that
humans—you—are not precious in any sensual
way, and the
Warrior proves this by atomically vaporizing you.
In absolute contrast,
as Earthfolk see it, when you are dead your loved
ones still humanly sense you. You
cannot respond, but they weep, wail, remember you, honor,
reverence and pray for you—the dead are immersed in familial acts
of sensual preciousness.
The Warrior Quester scoffs at the
Earthfolk valuing every individual as precious
and beloved. The Warrior Quester snickers at the
Earthfolk claim that the power to transform the
world is found through the sensual preciousness
act of embracing and coupling in respectful
The Warrior Quester's dark
vision—unknowingly, unintentionally—
clarifies for Earthfolk the central truth of sensual preciousness—
that no person anywhere at anytime is
an Intimate Enemy.
We invite you to practice
one or more of our core Earthfolk and sensually precious rituals.
We have discerned that in the midst of a world dominated by the Warrior's
Quest practice of endless warring—that is, "living
as if everyone is my enemy," that
Earthfolk ritual practice of "living
as if I am no one's enemy"
is the way to respectfully open our intimate relationships.
It makes present you and an other
as precious beloveds, and
unleashes the healing, and precious power
of intimacy.