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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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From Pathway C

"Respect this Book. It is in your hands, but its weight is the weight of Memory of the Lone Male and of the Obliteration of Her. Before the printed text ever was, this Word existed. It existed in the thoughts and dreams of millions before it manifested itself in words and on paper. This is said so that you do not deceive yourself and think that this Book, by itself, contains and manifests the full Warrior's Quest tradition. But since this Book is everywhere, in order to define a sensually preciousness ritual, you must first ritually move away from it.

Place the Book on the ground. Walk with your Beloved to cast an embracing circle around it. Open to a particular passage which you’d like to move beyond and let it lay. Take a candle, light it, and pass it across the pages, reaching back and forth from her to him. Respect that this Book is source for the Warrior’s Quest darkest and most sexually violent vision. Your simple act of passing the light from her to him, from Other to Beloved, breaks the hold of this dark vision and power on your creative imagining.

Once this has been done, you may read from the Book and say, “I remember more than this Book reveals. I remember what it obscures, hides and suppresses. I remember you my Beloved. I remember our parent Mother Goddess within you. And I remember Her within me. I remember our parent Father God within you. And I remember Him within me. I remember us embracing as Forever-Family.” Do this as often and for as long as you want.

Then, if you are at this level of intimacy with your Beloved, undress and sit down as close as possible within the circle you have imagined or marked. Place the Book upon your shared lap and peer at each other. Peer and touch each other’s hearts. Say, “I remember my sensually precious power. I remember our sensually precious power.” Place the Book aside.

You are my sensually precious word.”
You are my sensually precious word.”

In unison, “We are the Living Earth’s Book, together, never-written, never-ending.”

Then, settle within a nurturing embrace."



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