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Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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The three Big Stories end with the Atomic Bomb's Poof!

Our Earthfolk Big Story begins where the three dominant Big Stories end—with an apocalytpic Poof! As presented on Pathway A, they end with the ritual that they collectively and communally creatively imagined, produced and celebrated—the dropping of the Atomic Bomb.

Each of the three Big Stories found fulfillment in having the power (imaginative and practical) of exercising dominion over the Earth through the threat to nuke it to smithereens. This domination of the Earth was completed as military astronauts plotted how to subdue every nation and all peoples by establishing a ring of nuclear bomb armed satellites in orbit around the Earth. This “Star Wars” defense continues to be renamed and reimagined by the military as it remains a key component of its strategic defense planning.

Note:   The ritual of the Atomic Bomb is an act that is greater than the sum of its parts. On their own terms, neither the Abrahamic nor the Scientism nor the Secular Big Story could have creatively imagined and produced the ritual of the Atomic Bomb. As they merged and melded they transformed into the clearly articulated vision and creative imagination of the Warrior's Quest Big Story.

Describing and explaining how the three Big Stories were roots to the flowering of the Warrior's Quest is the burden of our Earthfolk analysis and interpretation of the three Big Stories.



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