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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Adam’s not so invisible phallus

The character of Lone Male sexuality emerges as another veiled revelation of Genesis. It can be safely and soundly stated that Genesis is all about phallic power.

Others might counter that the phallus is not visible, and, because there is no sacred sexuality act of a god and goddess mating, that genitality is not part of Genesis' revelation at all.

Here it is important to call to mind that the Hebrews have no word for god, and that they never call him by name. Everything about god and his holy person is expressed indirectly or metaphorically or allegorically. In other Big Story accounts, the main meaning of a key narrative or action is veiled, often obscured by mis-direction or indirect, substitute imagery. It seems increasingly apparent that Genesis' core message and imagery is masked. How is this evidenced?

Go back to the Rib. Assume that you are hearing Genesis for the first time. You are in a crowd of males and females. Like the others, you understand the simple "facts of life." So, when the Rib is mentioned it is not such a stretch for you to clearly grasp that the Rib is a substitute image for the penis. You know this because you understand symbol and metaphor. Clearly, in nature, there is no Rib power of procreation. However, you definitely know that there is phallic power.

Rather than believe that Eve is actually created from Adam's Rib, you ponder,
"Why is the storyteller not calling the penis a penis?"

You are an experienced traveler, who has heard several Big Stories and their story of origin. You quickly figure out, as you have recognized in other creation stories, the use of mis-direction and the practice of expressing truths about gods and humans by using substitutionary imagery, which is quite often animal imagery.

In Genesis, instead of using animal imagery, a body part of Adam is used. One insight to the ancient Semitic mentality is that animal imagery could not be used because Adam had dominion over animals and therefore he would not define any humanness in terms of this lesser, subordinate life form. Also, the point to be made is that only Adam's body has creational and procreational power.



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