Eve's Serpent Power
The fact that Eve’s
act led to exile implies that her act was willful, even defiant.
When she eats of the Apple, as when Adam eats,
she discovers, as he does, her intimacy and her sexuality.
Note, that Eve is sexual before Adam is.
She experiences her nakedness, first.
Possibly, that is
what the whole Serpent account is about. Namely, that
Eve broke away from Adam’s
dominion as she
discovers the Tree of Good and Evil within herself.
discovers another type of male power within herself, namely,
Serpent power.
The Tree can be understood as a symbol of interiority,
that is, what is within humans.
Eve is the first one to discover
her full identity
flower into a complete human, that is, a person.
She is the
first fully human person.
Within her the male and female are equally
The Apple gives her insight into her dominion under Adam,
and she
finds it