Once Adam acts on his Serpent maleness,
that is, embraces intimately with Eve, the Lone Male god flips out!
Adam, possibly sensing his loss of dominion, feels tricked and
turns on Eve. Instead of accepting responsibility, when asked by
his god he says, “The woman made me do it.”
Adam is now aware of
all that the Lone Male god has not told him.
Alhough he has abandoned her and betrayed her in the moment,
Adam stays with Eve.
Is it that the bond of intimacy,
once evoked,
changes Adam’s sense of his interiority, that is,
his identity as a Lone Male?
For better or worse, he stays with Eve.
They are both exiled.
While living as exiles could have a happy
ending, where the two intimate lovers set forth and build
the Earth, the Lone Male god will not let that
happen. He still fears their Serpent knowledge.
So He curses them. He curses the Earth. His is the action of an abusive
parent. He condemns his children to live in stark terror
and dreadful fear.