Why are humans here on Earth?
• To obtain fuller knowledge of God’s mystery
• To build the Earth, the Kingdom of Man, as fulfillment of Genesis “make
in our image”
into Kingdom of God
• Stewards express their "dominion" by being faithful caretakers
of the Earth and a
servant to all living entities—"stewards of creation"
When did humans first appear?
• Determined by the evolutionary timeline
How are humans to act?
• As Stewards, who like Adam, were granted dominion over all
• which dominion is expressed through being Earth’s caretaker and "servant
• Act ecologically with a sensitivity to the common good, the greater good,
being a healer and with a holistic vision—as if living in the Garden of
Eden where all was in peace and harmony
• Follow the Warrior's Way but as non-violent warriors,
peaceable warriors, happy warriors
Both camps of Sacred Scientism advocates are seen
as muddle-headed by the Non-Sacred Scientism
Continue—Non-sacred Scientism