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Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Q: Why are humans here on Earth?
A: Evolutionary evidence does not speak to this question. Humans are here because they are here. For many this question is a search for an answer to, "Are humans special?" Some Scientism advocates hold that humans can create a world of meaning, such as a Good Society or a State of Happiness. Some even believe that such is where Evolution (with a capital E) is going. But since evolution is a material process, one driven by randomness, and since everything is subject to the law of entropy, humanity as a species will eventually become extinct. In the meantime, so goes the hope, scientific research will enable humans to live a fuller “human” life.

Q: When did humans first appear?
A: Consult the continually updated, latest findings of evolutionary scientists.

Q: How are humans to act?
A: Evolutionary scientists hold that every species adapts in a strategy of survival. However, “survival” is not a conscious plan, rather it is more a “decision” made through the process of natural selection, which, moreover, is a process not knowable or accessible to human thought or manipulation. Scientism advocates hope that the inventions created by humans will truly enhance human life and be instruments of the species’ long-term survival.

Q: Why is there Evil in the world?
A: Pure, empirical science can provide little evidence for why humans act for Good or for Evil. At times in the history of science, experiments have been conducted to determine if there is a genetic or any biological explanation, predictor or “hint” for assessing whether someone will become Good or Evil. Such efforts have proved little that is conclusive or even hypothetically useful.




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