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Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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The Sixth Day Sacred Scientism

The Sixth Day camp accepts scientific data on its own terms, that is, that it is true to the senses, that it is empirical data. But they will admit little else about what empirical data says. They accept empiricism while holding fast to the Abrahamic Big Story which subordinates all scientific data to Revealed truth. They accept a tension between empirical and Revealed data, but this is only reflective of their broader acceptance that they are “in the world, but not of the world.”

Yet, it is important to realize that they do not doubt nor deny scientific facts and truths, as would a strict adherent to the Abrahamic Big Story (a Creationist). In this light, when scientists forward a theory to explain their data, these Sixth Day advocates are less accepting. For them, scientific theory is by definition a reasoning process, aided at times by non-empirical acts of rational deduction and/or induction. Such induction/deduction is seen as a shade above guess work.

The Sixth Dayers, for example, hold that there is scientific evidence confirming a rise in temperature in the seas and that there are dangerous forms of pollution, but they reject the theoretical interpretation of global warming. For them, global warming is what scientists can only see when they use the scientific method and employ reason. They hold that when scientists only look for empirical or reasonable data and interpretation, then that’s what they get.

Their view is to trust in the Scriptural Word when it comes to dealing with non-empirical data. So when God said, on The Sixth Day, “it is very good,” He meant that creation is excellent. They hold that, through the dominion over nature granted to Adam, the world is working as it should, if only all their fellow scientists and scientismists could see properly.

Continue—Sixth Day


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