When other primal human experiences,
such as Honor, Respect, Comfort, and negatives such as Fear, Betrayal,
Hate, are examined, each comes to be through human relationship.
Feeling honored, respected and comforted as well
as feeling fearful, betrayed or hated are states of being which
are relational. As obvious as
this may appear, the significance is that for you to fully
know something in its resplendent humanness, the
event, datum or act must be placed
within the perspective of its place, function
or value within a relationship.
There is nothing human
which is not within a relationship.
In this light, the Stewards interpret
Adam's dominion not in terms of domination but
in terms of service, of servanthood,
and of being a good steward of the Lord's resplendent,
luminous and numinous creation.
A contemporary Steward is Matthew