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Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Secular Big Questions and Answers

Q: Where are humans going?

A: Secularists teeter on the edge of being nihilists (that is, believers in nothing and no-meaning). Some are existential humanists (that is, being as “human” as one can be in the moment). Others broach a “Sacred Secularism” which fosters a Secular Humanism which is buoyed by hope and optimism.

While avoiding utopian dreams, that is, of a Kingdom of God or even a Peaceable Kingdom (also, video) here on Earth, Secularists hold that humans can create a Good Society, namely, one which can achieve Justice, Equality and Happiness. Others would answer that humans are “going” wherever Evolution takes them.

Q: Why are humans here on Earth?

A: Secularism senses a “god” hiding behind the word “why.” Why implies that one needs to question the obvious fact that humans are on Earth because Earth is where humans are! Yet, the question is really about purpose. Is there any purpose to life? Is there any reason you should act your best as opposed to your worse? Do you have any obligations to others?

For many Secularists, humans are simply Earthlings, and each of us should make the best of the moment. This often leads to a moral relativism where the Secularist has a hard time, on his/her own terms, condemning someone as Evil or praising them as Good.

For, without an ultimate authority or absolutes, terms such as Good and Evil are relative to one’s culture, historical period, market conditions, etc.

Continue—Big Answers



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