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Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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America's prison system—the "penitentiary"

The formation of "America" was the constituting act of the Civil Religion. "America" was not simply created through a political act, issuing forth with a Declaration of Independence, a Constitution, and a Bill of Rights. It was that, plus. "America" became a belief system.

"Americans" believed that they had created a nation that was
outside of history, that was

They named numerous entities "New"—and this was not a trivial fact or action! They sincerely believed that the democratic institutions they were forming could make present Christian virtues.

A critical Earthfolk insight is that

nowhere else was this
bedrock belief
more clearly demonstrated than in the creation of the
quite novel "penitentiary" prison system.

The famous Russian writer, Fyodor Dostoevsky, stated that, "The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons."

Our Earthfolk claim is that

"America" cannot be properly understood
unless why and how its (Revolutionary Era)
original penal justice system was created is properly understood.

To appreciate the sweeping and breathtaking claims of "right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" it is necessary to appreciate the sweeping and breathtaking claims of the American penitentiary.



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