Non-Sacred Secularists would
be pleased if the Abrahamic Big Story totally vanished from the human
imagination, especially the
bastard concept of “Sacred
For them, the American notion of “separation” has
always been and continues to be a strategic defense against
oppressive and stultifying Abrahamic notions and values. "Separation
of Church and State" is a necessary tactic in the campaign
to obliterate the Abrahamic Big Story.
For these disciples of the
Kingly beheaders, “secular” means
the abolition of any Abrahamic idea or practice.
Atheism or agnosticism is
an integral part of their secular vision. They hold that there
is no such
aspect of reality called the supernatural, the
spiritual or the holy. A commonsense,
practical approach is for humans to look at one another
and admit, “We’re all we’ve got!” When
articulating a morality or a code of ethics,
instead of invoking Revelation and/or a
set of Abrahamic absolutes as their source, they hold that a social
morality can be developed sourced in a Secular
Where the Abrahamic Big Story sees humans as sinful
and Fallen, and life on earth as a punishment, Secular Humanists
gaze upon humans with
optimistic, even happy,
eyes. Humans can choose to be good or evil. Humanists
hold that most people seek to create a Good Society,
and that it
is self-evident that if everyone respects
one another and works towards what is best for all that everyone
will be happier.
At their core, humanists look
with steely eyes at human foibles, atrocities, and idiocies
and say, “We
can do better.” They trust in what they perceive
Nature to have given humans, and two defining natural characteristics
are human reasoning and creativity.
Continue—Non-Sacred Secularism