You are your own Intimate
Enemy because you do not intimately love
yourself. Truly, you do not pleasure yourself as deeply as
you might.
You objectify yourself and assume an unreal "virtual
reality" identity as a sex toy.
All in all, Internet "sex toy" sites
enable you to ground yourself in
3) dreadful
fear—here a fear of “losing yourself” in,
of surrendering to, the ecstasy of the
intimacy of being a Beloved.
You can “get off” without
actually giving of yourself. You can experience being disembodied
as you become a sex toy. You can experience the aloneness of the
Adamic Lone Male—living without women (the feminine, the
Goddess) as you walk about your creatively imagined “online” Garden of
You can be phallus erectus and "eruptus,"
anytime and anywhere.
Continue—Internet as Warrior's
Quest military weapon