We let ourselves feel the dread,
fear and horror of “living as if everyone is my enemy.” We
profoundly sensed the ritual aspect of this practice
and grasped how it nourishes and expands the dreadful fear which
is symbolized by the nuclear bomb’s iconic Mushroom Cloud.
In this way, the Earthfolk practice of “living as if I am no
one’s enemy”—of approaching an Other as precious—we
realized was also a ritual in that through this ritual we—you—nourish
and expand the sense of being peacefully and comfortably at-home
on the Living Earth. For us, this new ritual was and is symbolized
by another iconic image, that of Starship Earth.
• In this light, just as the
Warrior’s Quest was heralding its brightest hour, that is,
at the moment it achieved military dominion over outer-space, so
did, unintentionally, the Earthfolk vision breakthrough.
• This was breakthrough as we
Earthfolk contemplated the astronaut’s snapshot of Earth as first
seen from outer space in the picture of Earthrise
(also called Starship Earth, the Blue Marble or Spaceship Earth).
• During these moments of reflection, we sensed that the Earth
is alive.
• More, it was clear that all other people, all
Others, are precious.
• It was even clearer, still, that all people live on the One
Earth and are One Family.
• Yes, for us Earthfolk, the Earth is alive, and it is precious—the
Living Earth.