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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Abrahamic violence: Hebrews, Christians, Muslims

"My god is a god of peace!"

Abrahamic religious and spiritual people fall all over themselves trying to justify this statement. No one, so far, has stood up and said, "My god is a god of war!" Conveying clearly: endless war, rape, massacre, genocide, torture and so on. Yet, it is a foundational point of the Earthfolk analysis to look around the world and note both the icon of the Mushroom Cloud and that of the militarized Spaceship Earth. Evidence abounds that one of the great divine deceptions of the Abrahamic father god is that the advertised "God of Peace!" is made present through the vision, imagination and practice of exploding Atomic Bombs—vaporizing humans, Poof!

A web search turns up an avalanche of sites and articles about God and violence and about the Abrahamic god and violence. In the main, their tortured arguments testify to the problem at hand—which for Earthfolk is their starting point. That is, that a Lone Male god created a Lone Male human without a Mother Goddess or a human female. Since this foundational, primary and primal act of mythic, personal and intimate sexual violence is not acknowledged and/or recognized so the Shadow/Dark characteristics of the Abrahamic god are not factually, honestly or properly stated and evaluated by Abrahamic theologians and scholars.

It is fair to say that at the end of these traditional arguments that the Lone Male god is judged to be "Not guilty!"

Here are just several links.

1) "God and Violence in the Old Testament" by Terence E. Fretheim (The scholarly footnotes provide a pathway for further research.)

2) Post 911—"Your god's more violent than mine!" exchange between a Christian and a Muslim.

3) Cruelty and Violence in Bible from the "Skeptic's Annotated Bible" offers hundreds of Biblical verses referencing cruelty and violence. There is a long list of nearly 2,000 verses and a Short list and pdf file.



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