To attain sensual immersion, you sit in silence. Sitting in
silence is the practice of opening yourself to what
is not apparent or obvious. It is an openness to
hear the “sounds of silence” and to see the invisible
which nestles the visible. Sitting in silence is a way of attuning
your senses to pick up information which lingers around, within and
surrounds a commonplace image, word or insight.
Peering is not just
staring nor a visual act. It is more—an act
of acceptance. Here, especially an acceptance of the shadow,
of the dark which accompanies light. It involves quieting the senses
to open them to fuller input—from a trickle to
a flood—of information, insight and/or sensation.
This discipline evokes the full range and subtlety
of emotion which accompanies peering and sitting in silence.
Until the deeply embedded
emotion of
a word, sound, image or insight is grasped in
its robustness, its
depth of information, insight and sensation is
not properly tapped.