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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Genesis “tells” a woman that her meaning as a woman is found through a very peculiar and constrained relationship of intimacy where her sole purpose is to sexually serve her man. She came from his birthing body and derives her meaning as a birthing mother solely from his masculine birthing power. She learns that to be feminine is to be sexually submissive, namely, for procreation.

This narrowest of self-understandings is expressed in theological imagery by the absence of a Mother Goddess.

Without a Mother Goddess image, a woman has
no way to envision herself as a spiritual being. She can only be
what the Lone Males reveal to her that she is, namely, Adam's bone.

Her spiritual and physical, her mental and emotional self is totally derived from her man’s Lone Maleness. At her core, Genesis’ woman exists as a curious form of Lone Maleness. There is no greater “Revelation” in Genesis than this revelation about Lone Male-female intimacy.

Interiority defines and describes a singular, personal experience of identity. You express your interiority to others when you make identity statements, such as, “I am a Minnesotan and a conservative Lutheran serving as a senior manager for General Mills.”

In contrast, intimacy is an engaged, communal experience. From another direction, intimacy is relational, and is created by you engaging an Other.

Your intimacy is how you are known through your heartfelt actions with others.

Intimacy is known, also, through how others describe your heartfelt actions in terms of relationships with an Other, for example, “She’s a good person. Always volunteering.” Or, “He’s a patriot. Willing to risk his life for others.” Or, “They’re such loving parents, always taking time to be with their children.”



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