The Biblical account says, There is no intimate
life-force linkage! There is no necessary or
natural relationship between the animal/human and the god/divine
world. The
spiritually intimate life-force power—the vital zest—of
this Lone Male God is absolutely separate and distinct from
human and animal experience. The Creator is not “father” in
a family sense. Rather, He is Patriarch in the
power sense, here, of dominion. His “children” are
to fear, obey and honor only Him.
In the biblical tradition, you cannot go
directly or even indirectly to the divine experience
from the human. You cannot contact God through your
own intimacy. Rather, the contact is through a dominion relationship.
One of submittal. Of being a Captive. Or, in the Islamic way, through Surrender.
When the bible presents the Eve-from-Adam’s rib
story, it is consistent within itself. For who, upon
hearing this now or then, is not given pause by the oddity of
the account? Women from within men? Clearly, the biblical
folk knew the meaning of their own stories. They were preaching a fantastic new
way of not only understanding God, Man and the Universe, but they were
unleashing a wild and even alien spiritually erotic
You hear it. You look at women.
Everything changes. Presto! … You can’t
ground what you hear in any type of human experience. No. You take
it on faith. It is a “revelation.” A voice from beyond—a
beyond beyond beyond—where this odd, strange, peculiar, alien
Lone Male god exists.
Heady stuff. Sweaty palms. As a male you walk differently. You
feel your skin differently. You look at animals differently.
You inhale, fill your chest—Dominion! You
learn that Lone Male dominion can be yours if you submit, obey, surrender to
this god—surrender everything which up to
this point seemed human, which was a way of human
knowing, and was a sense of how one fit into the world. Fitted
into family.
You look at Other men—and
it is Cain and Abel.