Phallic reeds and vulviform
Wombs. Are they in anyway special or different or peculiar
in comparison to other parts of the skin? To the eyelids? To the fingers?
To the tongue? Mouth? Anus? For Earthfolk, none are
special, different or peculiar in a separating way.
Rather, they differ in how each leads toward fullness,
towards sensually precious ecstasy.
You observe that the flirtatious look
finds itself touching in a tender way, leading to a kiss, then a more
pervasive touching of the body, of all parts, genitalia, excitation.
This leads to a somewhat seething, frenzied drive to enter into the
other, not just with Reed and Womb, but, while needing those, the drive
is so intense that words clang hollow, emotions whack you both about,
and the convulsion and propelling of bodily fluids and contraction of
muscles and the sheer heat and sweat and … Whew!
The genital embrace is certainly one way of entering the sensually precious
beloved. You hardly know yourself. You stare, peer at the other, wondering!
Wonder-struck. Stunned into floating in silence!
As you age, you come
to know, or if you’re young, you might hear from “old lovers,”
that such intimacy is engendered in quite different ways. With varying
degrees of intensity, but nevertheless with as much, if not more,
sense of intimacy and presence. You learn that the skin,
itself, in its many manifestations (as body, as mind, as heart) is but
a simile, a metaphor, an anagogic
allusion. But what you come to clearly know and understand
is that skin creatively imagines. Has been creatively
imagining. Is the creating presence, now and forever.