Intending to Comfort
Intending to Comfort is the act of consciously intending
to evoke the sensually delightful presence of comforting
and of being comforted.
To arrive here, you must sincerely affirm with all
your senses that you are all and everything which all Creation, from
the forever, has struggled to and has playfully created.
It is letting rise from within your heart the ecstatic
joy of just being here, today, right now, this instant.
This letting and this rising is also the response you make as you turn
towards your beloved and embrace. You each approach the Other
with a welcoming attitude, inviting one another to be at-home,
comfortably, right now in the presence of each other’s preciousness
and nurturing embrace.
Intending to Comfort is a starting
point practice because the Abrahamic Lone Male tradition
starts with "Intending to Abuse" wherein
it is proclaimed that you are worthless, a miserable
sinner, worthy only of banishment and being cursed.
This is especially true if you are female. In one Abrahamic
religious tradition it is a morning Men’s Prayer to rejoice, “Lord,
I thank thee that I was not born a woman!”
Intending to Comfort evokes the opposite images and
feelings towards the Other. Each is happy that the
Other is precious and here right now.
Intending to Comfort involves your waking
each day and opening yourself to be comforted by and
to comfort all Others. All Others are intimate
and precious, and able to be made present from within
the nurturing embrace with a beloved.