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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Daily Practice and Rituals

We Earthfolk invite you to practice “living as if I am no one’s enemy” for three months. This is a period where you seriously and patiently become present to yourself. As mentioned in “Attention!” you should confront a lot of Warrior’s Quest thoughts and feelings during these months. It would be useful to keep a notebook or a journal.

Just focus on this one practice—don’t jump around to other practices or try a ritual.

“Living as if I am no one’s enemy” is opening yourself to your own preciousness. It is being among other humans as family, as Forever-Family. It is the openness to an Other’s preciousness—an Other who is more stranger than friend or lover. Being open to your preciousness is seeing through the Other’s eyes as you approach and accept their embrace of you.

You’ll know that you are making progress when you start getting frustrated, then angry, then eager to move forward. Guys, especially, should not just dip their toes into the water. If you don’t feel the dark grip of the Warrior’s Quest on your body, mind and heart, well, you’re not really practicing very hard. Get real about the images and languages you use when you approach women or feminine feelings. Really confront the terrible realization that you are a “motherless child.” You know that you’ve plumb the depths of that sense of abandonment when you do begin to yearn for the comfort of Mother.

Possibly the only way to keep yourself honest is to start off as suggested before, namely, that you find someone you trust and explain to them what you are seeking to discover from these Pathways. Use someone as a reality check. “Have I really changed?” “What do you think about this {thought, image, feeling, etc.}.” If you really do affirm in your heart that the Warrior’s Quest has us living in apocalyptic times when more Atomic Bombs might be dropped, then you will preserve. If not you—we ask—then whom?

When you are ready, consider adding a practice or two of Intending. Say, every day for another couple of months. This is a way that you can get-in-touch with the Earthfolk vision and imagination. As you experience your own preciousness, your desire to be present to an Other’s preciousness will tantalize you!



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