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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Dying to the imagination of the Warrior’s Quest

First, both must die. Passing through and creating with this dying is what the practice of sensual preciousness is about.

It is a dying to the imagination that sees the Other as Intimate Enemy.

It is the dying to the vision that finds full expression as the Warrior’s Quest.

It is a dying to the imagination of individuality which practices “living as if you are my Intimate Enemy,” and which seeks dominion over everyone and everything.

It is a being reborn as a new presence which is truly new flesh, truly new spirit—that of the precious Other as beloved. This is what sensual preciousness is all about. The wonder of the present historic moment is this blossoming of sensual preciousness.

Why is sensual preciousness only now becoming known? Are there those for whom sensual preciousness is discomforting? Who see its vision as a threat? Yes, the dominant imaginations and spiritualities forwarded by the three globally dominant Big Stories, that is, the Abrahamic, Secular and Scientism, find sensual preciousness discomforting and subversive to their own imagination and spiritual vision, which is the Warrior’s Quest for dominion over the Earth and all peoples.

Warrior’s Quest spirituality is the expression of the Abrahamic tradition which bases creation in the act of a Lone Male god. The Warrior Quester denies the healing value of sensual immersion with its ritual enjoyment of the body and celebration of sensual ecstasy.




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