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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Sensual preciousness arises from a crisis and is drenched in shock. Shock at that jolting moment when one realizes, “It is over.” It being the Warrior's Quest as a foraging stud or as a disposable sex-toy. It meaning the acknowledgement that the round of breeding lust is spent. Now, no longer does Life with a capital L need one for its survival. One no longer has the young look, and one is not looked upon with lust by the young.

For Warrior Quester males there looms the resurrection, that capturing of new booty—a “trophy wife. As hyper-sexual image, she enables him to have meaning—although all know that it is not true Warrior Quester meaning in that this trophy is not for breeding. Yet, with such erotic symbolism the aged Warrior Quester enters senility flashing the mask of youth, however beguiling a mask that be.

The Warrior Quester’s aging females fare less well. No longer breeding stock, they are empty chests with no milk of life, and, to boot, they are barren. What else but to trash them? Waste 'em?

Warrior Questers have been blinded to the precious nuclear intimate energy of females. They are impoverished receivers, accepting only that which is genital. They have blinded themselves to the Goddess in the female and so have not the slightest sight of their own precious femininity—which is a manifestation of their own male preciousness.



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