Memory weaving personal Story
Sensual preciousness is the sharing
of memory. The beloveds begin to weave their
personal Story. They are aware of it
consciously and seek to nurture it in submerging-conscious
ways through
ritual. Sensual preciousness is
ritualized living.
The Beloveds understand each other as co-creators
of a common body and spirit. They honor their bodies
as ritual instruments of intimacy—evoking the
vital zest of preciousness.
They work each day upon
the other.
They sensually immerse: touch,
massage, embrace, penetrate and mold the
body of their Beloved. They enter their private spaces
as boats upon their shared desire.
It is this privateness which flowers.
It flowers through worship.
A worship which
spreads the beloved as canopy across the sky and celebrates him/her
as all that is and will ever be. All this to expand and deepen the
beloved’s self-centeredness.
To center the beloved, and so provide a boundary to
his/her individuality, so enriching that
individuality and making sharp the line of their private self,
space and time.