But you say, Nah! If
so, consider the many ways in which you are bombarded with
variants of Genesis’s stories and the values of
the Warrior’s
Quest. Look at what you “hear” when you are awake
and conscious.
Consider: What are the recurring
themes on the daily news shows? What is it that they consider
Isn’t it stories about war, conflict, and violent crimes?
About politician’s infidelities, such as oral sex in
the Oval Room. Aren’t sports “highlights” increasingly
focused upon spectacular clips of hockey brawls, or baseball
teams angrily rushing onto the field, or football players
violently throwing each other around by face masks. All this
and then you watch a sit-com where the “humor” is
embarrassing, hurtful, even humiliating to the “butt
of the joke”?
Normally what goes for humor is peppered with sarcastic references
to women and their wiles and ways.
Isn’t it the rule and not the
exception that any upbeat news is dismissed as Pollyannaish or
cute or sentimental? Isn't the underlying emotion
that of dreadful fear...and anything about
the Mother Goddess, feminine powers, spirituality,
insights, and females—other than those who ape the Lone
Male—ridiculed, suppressed, annihilated,
made fun of, simply obliterated?
Adam obliterating Eve is evident through the recent
globally broadcast Islamic attitudes towards
women. This is the third wing of the Abrahamic Big Story. Islamic
women are enshrouded, as if the living dead. Other Abrahamics,
including Secularists, roundly condemn, even
mock these sexist practices.
Yet the Warrior’s Quest of
Western culture often blindly fails to see how the same Obliteration
of the Womb is effected through their Secular valuing of stereotypically
beautiful, spotless Playmates as sex-toys. “Sex
sleep dreaming