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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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In the Secular culture, sleep is just a rest period between hours of work. You sleep off the clock to be ready to get on the clock, again.

In Scientism, sleep is simply a turning-off of conscious thought, and dreaming is considered a random, bizarre, often humorous experience.

What happens when you dream, however, is not valued as having any meaning for your daily life, except if you awake tired by a “bad” dream, such as being chased all night. One wakes to the clock. Flips on the lights. Ready and raring to “Go!” All is preparation for work.

There is a lot more to explore in this regard, but, for the moment, the simple fact is to recognize that sleeping and dreaming have no spiritually erotic weight in the Secular and Scientism cultures. One simply lays down so as to rise up to work—but do note the ritual element in all this.

In time, you and your Beloved
into dreamtime,

You lay down the Sun as it lifts up the Moon. You observe each other in this new glow. You observe and create. Mime. Mediate. Play. Whatever you do, do together. You are a nurturing embrace of your presences. This moves you towards lying down together. To the opening of your long-suppressed and oppressed Moon self—that fuller coupled self you become as you slip into deep sleeping where, together, you create the third presence, that of yourselves as the Beloved Other. All becomes a nurturing embrace of beloveds inside the dark and shadow realms.

In deep sleeping, the Beloveds intend to venture forth on the Moon’s journey as they began the day by intending to do so on the Sun’s journey.



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