Intending to Dream
Intending the Obliterated Womb is also
a practice of dreaming. It was as Adam slumbered—notably,
alone—and through his dreaming that the Womb
was Obliterated. Dreaming, then, is where you must “go”
to discover, to discern as Adam did and intend
to dream Her, Mother and so counter his Warrior's Quest
Here is a difficulty and great hurdle
for most Intenders—dreaming as a
coupled experience, as an intentional act of the
One of the most profound ways that we
all continue to make present the Warrior's Quest vision
and imagination is by sleeping alone and without
intention. Even when we sleep in the same bed with another,
we enter dreaming as if we were separated from our
Earthfolk beloveds do not
cease creatively imagining as we slumber. Rather, Intending
couples us as dreamers. We ritualize
the moment of conscious moonrise departure and set intimate images and
stories loose to map our way back to sunrise kiss and
embrace. That is, we discuss what we Intend to Dream
We lie down in slumbering embrace
intent upon slipping into the dream state with an openness to
dream the dark, the shadow world, the dark vision, together.
For beloveds, dreaming is remembering and re-experiencing the
physical and fully sensate life we shared with
Her while in our Mother’s Womb.
Intending to Dream is the most difficult
practice for those bound to the Secular and Scientism Big Stories. For
them, sleeping is an “off” switch state
where nothing of great importance happens. Remembering dreams is of
scant significance. For them humans are not to waste
their time dreaming dreams, either at night or during the day.
Earthfolk’s dreaming is
intentionally not dying to
one’s preciousness and intimate presence—as does the
Warrior's Quester—when we lay down to sleep.