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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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We Earthfolk see this emotion of dreadful fear weave its way through the other two Big Stories: Secularism and Scientism. We hold that the Manhattan Project was, at its core, a militarized Secular ritual using Scientism language and imagery that made real and present the apocalyptic dreadful fear.

Only a people suffering from post-traumatic stress could so
blindly re-create that which unleashes their
greatest dread and fear—that, once again, we humans will
lose our home, here, the
Earth, as we had the Garden of Eden.

The Warrior's Quest creatively imagines a vision of you as Intimate Enemy because it is expressing the dreadful fear of Genesis. Warrior Questers ritualized their creative vision of you as Intimate Enemy as they produced and dropped the atomic bomb on you—and, somewhat insanely, on themselves, on the human race. The Warrior Quester is the archetypal "suicide bomber."

How deeply then is this dreadful fear embedded in your psyche? That is one of the objectives of practicing the ritual of "living as if I am no one's enemy."

You will confront your own post-traumatic self. Grasp how everyday you enact rituals that express and make manifest the apocalyptic dreadful fear of both Genesis and the Atomic Bomb.




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