As explained on Pathway A—Seeker, the Warrior’s
Quest led to the Secular ritual that imagined—using
imagery and language of the Scientism Big Story—produced
and dropped the Atomic Bomb.
The significance of
the Atomic Bomb is that it is a
weapon of intimacy.
Tellingly, the atomic bomb
vaporizes you.
The imagining, production and dropping
of the Atomic Bomb is a ritual that makes present
dreadful fear of the Other.
Every day, this
ritual is re-enacted not on the public stage
but in the
private interior space of your intimacy.
Although you—and we—do
not consciously intend to do so, you make present
the same dreadful fear of the other unless you
practice a ritual that counters the dreadful fear
which the ritual of the Atomic Bomb makes present. As the Atomic
Bomb vaporized the Other, obliterating every aspect of humanness
in a “Poof!” so can you make
present the preciousness of the Other, so healing
and making whole the Living Earth and the Forever
This is what Pathway C—Belover is
all about. It is about you. You re-imagining your
personal, private, interior, intimate space where you make
present your preciousness and that of an Other who is your beloved.