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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Earthfolk: The Christ is the memory of the Father's Obliteration of the Womb—the denial of the presence of a Mother Goddess. The Christ is the memory of the Lone Male's claim that the male body is the birthing body.

Consider: when the centurion spears Jesus' side, a wound pours forth blood and water. This is the basis for the wine (blood) and (birthing) water of the ritual Sacrifice of Mass. As an image what does this reveal? It affirms the claim that the male body is the birthing body—because now Jesus, as the Lone Male, bleeds as a woman bleeds. On the Cross he becomes "Mother" and from him rises "New Life"—resurrected bodies ...Hmmm.

Jesus crucified and dying on the Cross transforms into the Christ who dies daily through the ritual act of remembrance of Sacrifice. Through the Mass’ remembrance of Jesus’ death, Genesis’s act of the Obliteration of the Womb continues. The potency of this remembrance is that it sustains and keeps the Warrior's Quest vision and imagination alive.

The iconic Mushroom Cloud and militarized Starship Earth find their Warrior's Quest
rooted in and nourished by the ritual of the
Sacrifice of the Mass and its kindred Abrahamic
of remembrance.

The globally dominant Abrahamic Big Story with its vision of Endless War and practices and rituals of sexual abuse thrives because it priests and followers rise every day and Remember through rituals such as the Sacrifice of the Mass.

Many among the Earthfolk prayed for decades at daily Mass. They also crawled on their knees around the Stations of the Cross until calluses thickened and became carapace. They meditated in Silent Adoration until their minds blanked and their unworthiness erupted into ailments visible and invisible. Some flagellated while chanting after communal confession: Culpa. All these were acts of Remembering, of reliving the expiating pain of Jesus. They were attempts to suffer in one’s person the redemptive, transforming pain of the Christ.

Little did we know how all this continued the Obliteration of the Womb! That it made present the suppression, annihilation and obliteration of the feminine and the Goddess.

Continue—WQ memory


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