Ritual living. This is possibly the
most difficult hurdle to initially get over, even for
many Earthfolk.
Most of us do not think that
we live a ritualized life. It is critical,
however, that you discern and grasp how you are presently acting
out rituals of the Warrior’s Quest. For
example, how you have been participating in
the ritual that enabled the imagining and
actual production and dropping of the Atomic Bomb—and
how you continue to make present the Warrior’s
Quest vision.
The ritual of imagining, creating and
dropping the Atom Bomb?
Yes, you.
When Earthfolk awoke,
we saw clearly that the iconic image of the Mushroom Cloud
gave rise to that of the militarized Spaceship Earth.
Within a heartbeat, we felt deeply moved by the presence
of Spaceship Earth as our Mother, the Living Earth.
As sojourning aliens we sensed that something
very profound had happened to the Warrior Quester and
to ourselves. The only way this began to
make some sense was coming to understand both of these new
experiences as the
result of a history-making cultural transformation.
Both the Warrior Quester and we Earthfolk began to see and
sense the
world in profoundly different and starkly contrasting ways.
From our experiences with
personal rituals and with ceremonial religious rituals, we sensed that
something ritual, something on a vast, possibly cosmic
scale had occurred.