To invite another is to simultaneously
open oneself to your and the other’s preciousness
by sensually giving and receiving. Preciousness
is only evoked through relationship, it is not a
presence achieved when alone. When two humans are inviting,
they open to the nurturing embrace.
The nurturing embrace is
not just a hug but the
offering of your body as a
ritual instrument of intimacy.
You offer your preciousness
through every sense, and receive it
likewise. The actual details of inviting are specific to each
At times, two approach one another
with an emphasis on the merest of fingertip touching.
They do so imagining the other as their own
skin and slowly exploring and delighting in every
aspect of preciousness. At other times, multiple senses are
engaged. The meeting space is festooned with
flowers, candles, scented oils, and there is a swarm of sensual
In either case, and in every case,
invitation is
for the other to
“Get under my skin!”
To become so attuned to
the Other that he/she
melds with you into