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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Lone Male Skin

When Adam’s Rib is used to create Eve it is an act that Obliterates the Womb in that it conveys the core Abrahamic belief and revelation that there is no Mother goddess, that women’s bodies are not the primal birthing body, rather, the male’s is.

The whole Garden of Eden story can be summed up as the Lone Male saying that his skin is special. That his skin is exceptionally different from every other skin story. To assert this, the

Abrahamics skin their cocks, which become their
clan totems
, their holy rods, and their emblem of
group identity

Earthfolk reject this Abrahamic sense of skin, and re-assert what many other creation stories forward, namely, that when you touch your skin you know that you are one with all people and all living creatures.

In other creation stories, whoever creates—God or Divine Being or Coyote or whomever—is understood as wielding a preciously intimate erotic power since they are forging the seething life force of Eros into various life forms. Non-biblical and non-human-imagery stories often position humans as part of a greater fabric, of a web of nature or as a ray of a fiery Light or as somehow situated within the network of all living things.

Elements of this type are present in the biblical creation story but what is significant here is that how humans are positioned is presented through a very wild imagination. That is, the purpose of the six days of creation sequence is to make clear that all creation, all life forms, are subordinated to the created human, Adam.

The biblical revelation is that
life forms,
women, are part of a
of life whose
is Adam.



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