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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Bring your bodies close. Just close enough, not touching. Feel the magnetism draw. Feel the first wash of warmth from your beloved. Drop the world’s clothes. And press. Ever so gently. And let your desire stir.

  • Rustle up a sense. Just one. Take your time. Breathing is always easy. Listen for your beloved’s breath. Listen for your own. Come to breathe together. Let your common breath just rise. Let it entwine, twist and curl like smoke and draw you together in a bemusing moment.
  • Touch. A nose. A finger, tip to tip. Fingers settling from their night flight onto the ledge of your beloved’s consciousness. Fingers which touch and tingle and start to slowly wash over your beloved’s still sleepy skin. Skin which is never-ending. Round and round, up and down, so you go. Awaken yourself as you awaken your beloved.
  • Touch to kiss. Gently. Upon the brow. Upon the eyelids. To a lip. Then wherever the flight takes you. Swoop down and kiss around the swirl of yearning flesh. And remember Her. Pause and respect her southern mouth. Halt there, peer and listen in silence. Does the Womb’s fire crackle? Is the morning hearth stirred? If so, draw its heat and splash it across your beloved’s thighs and down her calves and twine around her ankles. Draw it all up and stand before her and find those eyes.
  • See together. Look at the phantasm you each are. Laugh as you behold one another as stumblers from the dreaming pit. Now, peer. Look not at, but beyond. Work the erotic heat as you both touch and gently kiss. This is the stirring journey.

When the moment opens, attend through a nurturing embrace.



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