This preciousness of beloveds ascends as
thoughts, images and feelings of the Beloved, of the Forever-Family,
of the Living Earth swirl around the Living Earth’s
mind and heart surges.
Earthfolk intend that
the vital zest, which is consciously offered
up by beloveds through the nurturing embrace, will soon make
the icons of the Mushroom Cloud and Starship Earth fade from
human Memory.
You fill
the Living Earth's mind and heart surges through
your personal, intimate actions. Boldly, we claim
proclaim that there is no other way.
We hold this insight as gained
from Genesis where it was "revealed" that
the personal, intimate relationship
between a male and a female is that which enrages the
Warrior's Quest god and "justifies" his
violent expulsion of his motherless children from their paradise.
It is precisely when you behold
the Other as precious, when you couple
in the nurturing embrace and evoke Belovedness that you imbue
and infuse into the Living Earth's mind and heart surges those
images, words, energies, affections, visions, imagining, etc.,
which counter the Warrior Quest.
It is this simple:
to stem the
flow of dreadful fear, respectfully
embrace your Beloved!
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