For males this requires the development
of numerous experimental approaches to discern
how to practice Intending the Obliterated Womb.
No male or Warrior's
Quest female knows how to enable or to recognize and then transform their
Lone Male presence and so make manifest themselves as
the Living Earth's Mother.
The challenge
of this ordeal is intensified by the fact
that to do so is also to simultaneously make
manifest yourself as the Living
Earth's Father. No
couple has ever made themselves present as the
Living Earth's parents—until beloveds
began this Intending practice.
As Lone Males we have to overcome our inheritance,
namely, the Warrior's Quest practice of ignoring and
belittling the female, the feminine and the Mother. How, indeed,
to overcome that obliterating Abrahamic vision which
sees the female and then shrinks her to only
flesh (Adam's rib!) and from mere flesh into
her anatomical parts: piece of ass, rack of teats,
nice box, as well as shrinking her erotic power to cutesy animal
images such as pussy and beaver?
Intending the Obliterated Womb is akin to turning
your individual and coupled skin inside out.
If you do it, you will die!
Truly, no one
knows how to simply practice
Intending the Obliterated Womb. Discerning and composing Obliterated
Womb Intending practices is daunting.