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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Since all three Big Stories cast light on why Earthfolk envision Sensual preciousness, it is important to discern the common themes shared by the three Big Stories that form the core of the Warrior's Quest vision.

As sojourning aliens, Earthfolk's examination focuses on four shared themes.That a Big Story

1) is sourced in an emotion of dreadful fear,
2) identifies and names the Other as Intimate Enemy,
3) seeks to annihilate the goddess and/or the feminine and
4) expresses its heartfelt values through a self-fulfilling apocalyptic story of self-annihilation.

These Big Stories vary in their narratives but each evokes the same basic heartfelt emotion, namely, of being uncomfortable with and discomforted by living on Earth. Each, in its own way, presents a vision of intimacy wherein the individual—you—is an Intimate Enemy.

Unintentionally, these three Big Stories throw light on
the transformative power that can be manifested through acts of intimacy.
They have deeply negative views about intimacy
but, as is the dynamic between the Warrior's Quest and the Earthfolk vision,
what is their negative reveals an Earthfolk positive.

Pathway B - Seer presents detailed analyses, interpretations and discussions about these Big Stories. For the present, a basic understanding of how these Big Stories separately and collectively manifest the Warrior's Quest vision is necessary as preparation for valuing why Earthfolk emphasize your intimacy as the source for global transformation. It will also prepare you to positively respond to the invitation to experiment with an Earthfolk Sensual preciousness ritual.

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