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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Earthfolk not only perceived how individual and communal cultural rituals played together, but we also gained insight into how we as individual Earthfolk must ritualize in order to make our communal, cultural ritual present.

We discerned that "living as if I am no one's enemy" was
required of the individual if we, as a movement, were
to counter the Warrior's Quest practice of "living as if everyone is my enemy."

To counter the vision that sees you as Intimate Enemy, we Earthfolk must engage you,
invite you into our personal—respectfully intimate—ritual space where
your preciousness is made manifest and where,
together, we become beloveds. At that
moment of respectful intimacy our personal vital zests
infuse the Living Earth with the
nuclear intimate power that counter-acts the Warrior's Quest
imagination and its nuclear power.

We as beloveds—from within our mutually nurturing embrace ritual—make present every Other as precious and a member of the one and Forever-Family.

The ritual practice of "living as if I am no one's enemy"
counters the ritual of registering for the military draft. It is the
daily practice that makes the Earthfolk vision and imagination real in
both your own personal world and throughout the world.

Not unlike being online in the world-wide-web, the practice of "living as if I am no one's enemy" creates a new "space," that of the Living Earth where we can all live peacefully and comfortably at-home.

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