What is happening? The
scientific community appears to be imitating key
religious aspects of the Abrahamic tradition. To become a scientist
requires following a path of rigorous, disciplined
training where you are taught how to enter this altered state of
emotionality and consciousness—a state entered into by "true
believers." You are "baptized" with a new
name (Doctor or Professor) and robed in white—signifying
a state of new birth as well as innocence, purity and allegiance.
You, then, practice.
You approach the Other quite differently. As "patient" the
Other comes to you for health, healing or insights into "what
is really real." With oracular divination,
you analyze, test, evaluate and forecast the patient's future. Sacramentally,
you administered healing, saving substances (drugs, radiation treatments,
diet foods, etc.) and/or perform—what to ordinary eyes are—surgical "miracles."
This would all be simply an amusing
analogy except for the seriousness of the collaboration among
scientists and between the "scientific community" and
the military sector as they creatively imagined and
co-created the atom bomb.
Scientism's vision, at
its core, reveals itself as creatively imagining
a world of emotionlessness wherein
no one is left on the planet to embrace anyone