Within the Sacred Scientism camp
there are scientists who, scions of Cardinal Bellarmine, conduct scientific
research and develop applications but who hold
that scientific knowledge can hardly ever,
and even at its best only minimally, assist in
answering a Big Question.
They accept the scientific method as restrictively applicable
in the empirical realm. Since humans cannot time-travel,
and since scientists can only conduct an experiment in the fleeting moment
called “Now,” science cannot and should not attempt
to give Big Answers to Who, What, When, Where? etc.
They judge such attempts to be fanciful and attractive
intelligent guesses at
best, and pure mumbo-jumbo of science fiction at worst.
Yet, even within Sacred
Scientism there are two distinct camps.
One is the “The Sixth
Day” camp, and the other the
“Stewardship” camp.
Sixth Day Sacred Scientism