Stewards take into account that both the
scientific method and the spiritual quest are ways of human knowing.
For them what the adjective “human” bring
to bear is the insight that everything which is essential to
becoming a normal human occurs within a dynamically
holistic relationship.
Physically, humans are born from within a
union of parents. Psychologically, humans grow within family
units. Socially, humans are a communal species. Spiritually, humans
part of a Whole, a Oneness which is the Ground of Being. Humans
are a part in a living, vital, heartbeating personal wholeness—a personal Oneness
which is greater than the sum of its parts.
Stewards observe that everything which makes humans “human” occurs
within a pull relationship wherein a new
sense emerges.
For example, a primal and fulfilling human
emotion, such as Love, is best described as a pull experience.
Meaning, reaching the state of “being in Love” is effected by
two who somehow experience being
a thirdness.
is a coupled emotion, wherein the two forge
a new
identity as lovers. A useful image is two candles
merging their flames to produce a third, then moving apart,
to become two
distinct flames again.