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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Secular Big Questions and Answers

Q: Where do humans come from?

A: Most Secularist accept scientific findings and Scientism interpretations, so they would reply, more than likely, with a reference to the theory of Evolution. What Secularists hold is that there is no separate realm of sacred reality called spirit or the supernatural. For them, there never was nor could be a place like the Garden of Eden. Anything which you might describe as “spiritual” or “psychic” refers to a specific material and/or physical characteristic of humans.

In the Secular Big Story there is no Garden of Eden, no holy place, there is only human space and time, and that is sufficient. There is no sense of being in exile. No longing for this Life on Earth to end so that Life in eternity with God can begin anew.

Secularism often agrees with the Scientism Big Story, but where the Scientism Big Story is derived from insights into the broader implications of the scientific method, Secularism pivots upon an assertion as to what humans can do. In this light, a Secularist does not necessarily rely upon the scientific method for knowing. Rather he/she relies upon common sense.

While “common sense” has no precise definition, it is an affirmation that what is real and true can be known by every human, using their five senses. The sum of knowing through the five senses is one definition of common sense.

To make claims beyond any human sense is truly senseless.

For how can a human know other than what all humans know?

As with Scientism, Secularism accepts no “special knowledge,” no Revelation.



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