Secular Big Questions and Answers
Q: How did humans get here?
A: Most Secularists are tolerant of Abrahamic or other
theoretical explanations of how the world began and how humans evolved,
etc. Tolerant but unbelieving.
In the main, Secularists do not see a personal Creator.
Some—“Sacred Secularists”—may
talk of a deity or a creating Force or Energy, but normally this is an élan
vital, a life force and not a transpersonal, transhistorical
living presence such as the Abrahamic god who claims, “I am the
Lord Thy God.”
Since there is no personal
Creator, humans are responsible for
building the Earth. The world is not Good or Evil,
rather it is as humans create it.
“Sacred Secularists” hold that there
is a Benevolent Deity, but it is not directly
involved in the development of human affairs.
Secularists interact
with Abrahamic Big Stories from postures of total denial of
any Abrahamic claims to cautious openings to
mystical notions such as pantheism (“Everything is god.”) to
panentheism (“God is in everything.”).
The latter notion
moves some Sacred Secularist to appreciate Sacred Scientism’s
vision. Nevertheless, the concern of Secularism is more with Right
now! than with focusing on the past or even the
distant future (meaning, life after death and heaven).