Warrior's Questers as Earthpeople
The critical distinction here is
that Warrior's Questers see themselves as Earthpeople—not as
Earthfolk, however, who venerate Mother
Earth as living.
They do not see
themselves as a nation—just
one among
the many. They revel in their conquest of outer
space as the first act in their
global conquest of the planet Earth.
As the picture of Earthrise was
snapped, so did the
Warrior's Quest sense of oneness,
of being the
one tribe of Earthpeople arise.
At that moment, the Warrior's
Quester creatively imagined dominating and exercising
dominion over the planet and its
one family:
Only the
a purely Non-Sacred Secular space—holds
promise of being able to vanquish “America” as
a global presence and power as the
One Tribe, One Family of
Earthpeople rises.