As you walk down Pathway C, you will
see that Earthfolk seek to re-imagine themselves through re-sensing their
bodies. Our quest is to become sensually precious—to
experience ourselves in a nurturing embrace as precious
and beloved. As you have to, so we all started from
the realization of ourselves as not-sensually precious, as not intimately
beloved (as explained through Pathways A and B).
Walking down Pathway C—Belover requires patience,
self-control, tolerance, respect, care…travelling with
no sense of time, being fully present in the moment…and it takes
shape and form as you, through your personal rituals and experiences,
creatively imagine yourself and your intimate Other as precious and
So…consider that you will be
practicing “living as if I am no one’s enemy” for
the rest of your life! It may be the one
and only Earthfolk ritual that you practice—and
that is fine. The other rituals presented here are simply suggestions.
Part 2 on this website awaits your
feedback, suggestions, links, resources, etc.