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sacred sexuality

Part 1 - Pathways


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Part 2 - Resources

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Big Stories cast their Light within a communal self-consciousness and awareness—often described as “tradition.” From evaluating specific, individual Seer explorations of the Shadow or the deeply embedded dark depths of the dominant Big Stories that also open when the mind and heart—willingly or not!—melt and meld, we claim that Big Stories are creatively imagined.

A Big Story is not right or wrong.
Not true or false.
It is something creatively imagined—it
enables people to artfully envision a way of living and to
create meaningful, heartfelt actions that
bestow communal identity and make manifest
a communal presence.

Of note:   A specific Big Story is also not necessary for humans to live a full life, meaning that—as anthropology, history of consciousness studies, and historical research have shown—we humans simply have lived full human lives while creatively imagining quite drastically diverse ways of living day to day. Consequently, we approach a Big Story seeking to be open to what it creatively imagines. Plumbing the deeply embedded emotions and truths through creative imagining is equally an artistic and intuitive venture as it is an analytical and reasoned pursuit.

The deeply embedded emotions and truths of a Big Story are discerned through personal experiences that take the Seer into both the Light and Shadow cast by a Big Story (its narrative, ritual, revelation, etc.) To initiate sensual immersion, we peer and sit in silence to hear what is not said, see what is hidden, smell what is masked, etc. From within such moments of sensual immersion we form our deepest thoughts, unleash our intuitions, and free our imaginations.



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