Intending to Worship is a parenting moment
in that a new presence is imagined and birthed.
It is an unparalleled joy when this new presence is a physical child
who flowers from the Now, enfleshing Past and Future in the
wonder of their infant face.
But parenting means much, much
more. It means the fullness of
being. Of your becoming the Earth and
the Sky. It is your flowering through
your own and your beloved’s surging vitality
and dying entropy.
It is when you both simultaneously blossom into
Forever-Family—which often is a blissful moment which
shudders you into total self-negation or pounds at your skin
like a torrent crashing into and yearning to burst the
dam of your flesh. The practice of Intending to Worship
is how you continue to sensually immerse
yourself in your beloved through memory and imagining.
The reason we start with Intending
to Comfort and Intending to Worship is because it is fruitful
to pay attention to what the Warrior's Quest does not
want you to intend. That is, the Warrior's Quester
does not want you to approach, in any way,
any Other with any type of intention—certainly not the
Other as precious. He does not want you to
Intend to Worship your beloved. Be alert,
however, for the Warrior's Quest is mighty and powerful. It
has dominated the world for as far back as
human imagination is known. It is the Big Story: language,
song and dance of the dominating human consciousness, and it
will remain so until the
day you begin Intending!
In this light, understanding the Warrior’s
Quest "Intending to Abuse" is critical in
order to understand Earthfolk’s offsetting Intending
to Comfort and to Worship. Countering its Intending to Abuse
is what Intending to Worship effects. When you celebrate the
preciousness of your beloved, together you experience the presence
of Forever-Family through which you experience yourself as
Living Earth's creatively imagining Mother and Father.
Continue—Intending the Forever-Family